Faun Gruppen
A "hytte" for everyone

www.fhgruppen.noFaun Gruppen is the market leader in sales and construction of “hytter”, that is holiday homes and cabins. Smart logistics, market and customer proximity, and industrialized production ensure that Faun Gruppen delivers the most “hytte” for your money with respect for the surrounding nature. “Hytter” are sold through Familiehytta, Nordlyshytter, Leve Hytter, Leve Leiligheter, Telemarkhytter and Øverbygg brands, and in-house construction capacity enables turn-key delivery.
Why we believe in Faun Gruppen
- Market with long-term underlying growth and moderate cyclicality
- Faun Gruppen is a category killer with ability to grow through the cycle due to a structural cost advantage driven by industrialized production and strong customer advocacy
- Strong value-creation agenda supporting further penetration-driven growth
- Flexibility in cost structure and cash conversion mitigating downside risk
About Faun Gruppen
2023 turnover (CY)
EUR > 100M
< 500
Investment date
Apr 2018
Fund IV

Arve Noreng | CEO