Peeling off the layers to discover the truth
Ellinor Peters is Altor’s new Head of HR. Only three weeks in – its crystal clear that her role is key for the company’s success.

What made you interested in Altor?
Throughout the years I’ve read various opinions about private equity, and to be frank, not all have been positive. Hence, when I learned that Altor was hiring it sparked my curiosity. Because whenever I hear conflicting messages, my gut tells me to seek more information to peel off the layers to discover the truth. So, that is what I did.
During my first interviews with Altor I came to find a company driven by incredibly intelligent people with an untiring ambition to achieve nothing less than the extraordinary. This was true for more than the financial returns, Altor seemed to hold the same ambition for talent attraction and the wellbeing of its employees. This mindset was something I felt inspired by and wanted to be a part of.
What are the responsibilities for HR at Altor?
My responsibilities revolve around three key themes: finding and attracting talent, helping them develop and thrive and finally supporting leaders and the organisation as a whole. In my role I find it very rewarding to understand the different needs of everyone and help them achieve their targets, development goals and ambitions.
Ellinor Peters, Head of HR“It can be hard to teach someone to become socially skilled, it is a mindset put into action which often works as the final factor separating the best from the best.”
What is your impression of Altor so far?
During my first weeks here at Altor I’ve met so many talented and ambitious people, I’m impressed by their expertise and everyone is so socially skilled. It can be hard to teach someone to become socially skilled, it is a mindset put into action which often works as the final factor separating the best from the best. I have also met great humbleness leaving a very a good first impression. My professional challenge is that already today Altor has an incredible track-record of attracting and hiring the right people. I’m not trying to flatter my new colleagues, but they are the best at what they do.
What key challenges do you see for Altor and other firms in private equity?
The biggest challenge facing private equity from an HR perspective is talent attraction. For two reasons, the market is incredibly competitive. It’s a challenging task to find the top candidate with the niche competencies and qualities we are seeking. Secondly, we need to get a better diversity at Altor. Together with our peers we are running the risk of losing perspective and great people, by not attracting women to the same extent. This is a problem with many layers and an equal number of angels to address. I’m determined to look at all these angles to be part of the solution, and I know I have the rest of the organization with me.
Published: Sep 28 2023