What the world needs now
“Climate change is one of the biggest investment opportunities that we've ever seen. This is the decade of action.”
Stephanie Hubold, Head of Sustainability at Altor
Published: Oct 07 2022
Conversation | Spotlight

Peeling off the layers to discover the truth
Ellinor Peters is Altor’s new Head of HR. Only three weeks in – its crystal clear that her role is key for the company’s success.
Conversation | Spotlight

Trust me, you’ll want to move in.
Every year we are looking for curious students to join our team as Investment Interns. Hoping that in a few years’ time, we’ll work side by side again.
Conversation | Spotlight
Making batteries greener
Hear Tom Jovik, Principal at Altor, explain how Vianode is changing the synthetic graphite industry and making batteries even greener, in this 2-minute interview.
Conversation | Spotlight
Driving the green energy transition
Watch the interview with Matilda Elfving Hauan, Director, talking about partnering up with Svea Solar and OX2, two companies building new green business within the energy industry.
Conversation | Spotlight

Value creation thanks to high ESG performance
Stephanie Hubold joined Altor with a mission. “ESG-topics are too often looked at from a pure compliance and risk angle.” she explains. “Actually, high ESG performance can be an important driver of financial value creation.”
Conversation | Spotlight

Meet Helena Helmersson
Helena Helmersson has had a remarkable career spanning leadership and sustainability within one of the world’s largest fashion companies, H&M Group. Now she is taking on the crucial task of introducing a circular economy to the fashion industry as Chairman of the textile recycling company Circulose.
Conversation | A day at Altor
Moving to Zurich was both a very personal and professional decision
While no day is the same, this article series tries to capture what goes on in the lives of some of our esteemed colleagues. In this piece we meet Niklas Mattsson, Senior Associate at Altor who moved to Zurich as part of our Secondment program.
Conversation | Our team
Celebrating recent promotions
They are ambitious, hardworking but at the same time just amazingly warm colleagues to have around. And they have all delivered some outstanding results in the companies they partner with.
Conversation | Our team

Embracing Curiosity – introducing Julius Höh
It is really about listening. If you want to succeed, you have to nurture your curiosity and look at how you can challenge what is a proven formula – that you do best by 'being out there', seeking new people and territory.
Conversation | Our team

A year like no other
Altor has made a number of investments and partnerships with successful brands across the consumer sector. We sat down with our Consumer-sector team to hear their thoughts on 2022 and what they believe 2023 will bring.
Conversation | Our team

Above 100 employees!
We are growing and have just reached above 100 employees. And our ambition to attract and hire new talent to our sectors and offices will continue.
Conversation | Our team

Growing in DACH
At inception, Altor was dedicated to the Nordic markets, but we have since expanded to DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). After a number of exciting investments and several new opportunities, our DACH team is growing.
Conversation | Our team
Promotions worth celebrating
Altor continues to grow and with that – the team within Altor grows and we have the chance to celebrate a few promotions.
Conversation | Spotlight

Meet Shashi Seth
With an extensive background from iconic companies like Google, YouTube, Oracle and many startups, Shashi Seth has consistently been at the forefront of innovation. He has had a fascinating career journey, starting in the tech hubs of Silicon Valley and becoming a leader in the fast-evolving fields of AdTech and MarTech.
Conversation | Perspective

Sustainability is here to stay
Stephanie Hubold, Head of Sustainability at Altor shares why we firmly believe in the role of private markets in scaling technologies to decarbonize Europe.
Conversation | Case

The multiplier effect
This is key to our thinking around Altor Communities; that we can have a multiplier effect through the initiatives we work with and support through our expertise, capital, and network.
Conversation | Case

Supporting challengers and change-makers
The ‘Altor Communities’ were launched in 2023 with the purpose to utilize our network, engagement model, knowledge and capital to drive positive societal impact beyond our investment and ownership activities.
Conversation | Case

Revolutionizing the steel industry
How digitalization will enable completely different ways of working in steelmaking
It’s time to wrap up the year of 2023
We put together Altor’s wrapped to show what sparked the interest among you the most. Have a look. A hint, we seem to have a lot in common.
News | Press release
18 Oct 2023
Altor invests in Aira
News | Press release

07 Sep 2023
Altor continues backing H2 Green Steel
Conversation | Case

Fast internet with a smart footprint
SeenThis has developed technical solutions to help tackle the issue of carbon emissions coming from our data usage.

Sustainability Report for 2022
Learn about our commitments, case studies and sustainability performance.
Conversation | Case

Trioworld doesn’t sleep on success
In a new collaboration with infrastructure company Nevel - Trioworld is turning waste heat into energy
Conversation | Spotlight
Meet Dr. Nicolaus Henke
We have the privilege to welcome Dr. Nicolaus Henke to our community of challengers and change makers as a member on Silo AI's Board of Directors.
Conversation | Spotlight

Meet Bengt Maunsbach
Bengt Maunsbach joined Altor in 2004 and has since become a name for just about everyone in the Industrial-community, where he has partnered with entrepreneurs and founders.
Conversation | In the media

The Economist:
Can Europe decarbonise its heavy industry?
Important piece in The Economist on H2 Green Steel; a company we have invested in and partner with. We all need to do what we can to help Europe decarbonise.
Conversation | Spotlight

Meet Susanna Campbell
The Altor community is built by partner companies and the people in- and outside of Altor. One of them is industry advisor Susanna Campbell, Board Member of H2 Green Steel and Chair of the Board at NOD.
Conversation | Perspective
Building the green transition
We can’t be dependent on fossil fuels in the future. Altor plans to be a part of Europe’s green transition, driving an industrial revolution and helping the whole continent decarbonize.
Conversation | Case

All about connecting
The Nordic Leisure Travel Group: Everyone on board to change.
Conversation | Case

OX2 – the wind of change
There is an urgent need to change our habits and energy-use, as society increasingly moves away from high-carbon energy sources - the demand for alternative sources increase. Wind and solar farms are critical for this shift.
Conversation | Spotlight

Meet Paul Fischbein
The Altor community consists of a set of companies and people we collaborate with daily. One of them is industry advisor Paul Fischbein, with a long-standing track record from the consumer space and e-commerce sector.
Conversation | Case

Stronger together
Norican's solutions improve customer productivity by reducing scrap and carbon emissions.
Conversation | Case

Happier and healthier people
SATS, stepping up for health with challenges brought on by modern society.
Conversation | Case

Saving resources
Haarslev – making sure what goes around comes around.
Conversation | Case

Making plastics last
Trioworld is on its way to becoming the most sustainable option in the plastic film industry thanks to a strong focus on circularity in plastics.
Conversation | Perspective

Tech take-over
Technology continues to reshape the world, with underlying secular trends driving strong growth for the decade to come. From scaling SaaS companies, indie-gaming to digital consultancies, in the last years, Altor has heavily increased the investments and partnerships in the sector. Let Mattias Holmström explain why.
Conversation | Spotlight

Banking on trust
Altor’s Herman Korsgaard reveals how the award-winning bank Sbanken won the hearts of its customers, despite neither having met any of their customers nor handled a single cash transaction. In hindsight the investment decision seems clear cut, however creating value as a minority investor in a highly specialized field and public setting also poses certain challenges.
Conversation | Case

Being smart about data usage
Speeding up the internet with a low carbon footprint in mind.
Conversation | Spotlight
Three questions on digitalization
Meet Mattias Miksche – entrepreneur, board professional, investor and member of the Altor Tech Advisory Board.
Conversation | Case

Charged for the future
CTEK – building the necessary charging infrastructure.
Conversation | Perspective
Committing to the 1.5 °C target
At Altor we believe that financial institutions play a critical role in decarbonizing the economy. This is why we have committed to set science-based targets in line with the 1.5°C target set in the Paris Agreement.
What we’re reading
News | The Economist

17 Dec 2023 — economist.com
Which economy did best in 2023?
News | Forbes

06 Feb 2023 — forbes.com
ChatGPT Is The Fastest Growing App In The History Of Web Applications
News | Vox

09 Dec 2022 — vox.com
An incomplete guide to this very weird year, in charts
News | The Business of Fashion
11 Oct 2022 — businessoffashion.com
BoF Insights | Gen-Z and Fashion in the Age of Realism