Sustainability is here to stay
We firmly believe in the role of private markets in scaling technologies to decarbonize Europe.

Stephanie Hubold, Head of Sustainability at Altor shares why sustainability is here to stay in private markets, our view on opportunities and the success case of Trioworld.
How will the global transition to a more sustainable economy shape the future of private markets?
We see the global shift towards sustainability as a once-in-a-generation investment opportunity, with no trade-off between impact and returns. Private markets will play a crucial role in scaling existing technologies to industrial levels, driving the decarbonization of various sectors and creating new market opportunities.
What are your sustainability priorities and ambitions? How do you see your sustainability strategy evolving over the coming years?
We prioritize responsible investing within the green transition, aiming to significantly contribute to the decarbonization of Europe. Our strategy further involves active ownerships with a focus on achieving sustainability leadership in our portfolio companies within their respective sectors.
Stephanie Hubold, Head of Sustainability“There is lack of convergence in the impact investing space as frameworks are not as mature and standardized”
What are the key challenges and barriers you face to implementing your sustainability strategy? How can we address these challenges in the broader private equity industry?
There is lack of convergence in the impact investing space as frameworks are not as mature and standardized. As an example, given the lack of standardized measurements on avoided emissions, Altor has developed its own methodology and welcomes collaboration across the industry to work towards convergence in methodologies applied.
How can we raise awareness of the business case for integrating sustainability considerations in portfolio company operations and our own investment activities?
Raising awareness involves demonstrating the financial benefits of sustainability through case studies and performance metrics. An example of value creation from our portfolio is Trioworld, which has invested in increasing the circularity of its products and integrating sustainability into its operations, resulting in a lower carbon footprint and enhanced market position. At Altor, we work to show case such success stories across the portfolio through our annual sustainability report and networking events.
This interview was originally published in Flexstone Partners ESG report for 2024.
Published: Jan 29 2025